Students need substantial and enjoyable practice. Practice at home is critical, but should be meaningful and stress-free through games, strategy talk, and self assessing progress. Use the resources below to engage your child in learning math at home.
NRICH - The NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners.
Math Before Bed - Math Before Bed brings math INTO your conversations with your family with images that open a doorway to talk about math concepts easily.
Khan Academy - Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace.
Figure This! - Figure This! Math Challenges for Families helps families enjoy mathematics outside school through a series of fun and engaging, high-quality challenges.
Class Playground - Class Playground is a collection of games that allow students to play and learn.
Mixing in Math - Mixing in Math offers parents resources to mix math into everything they do with children.
Help your child learn and remember the basic facts while building mathematical confidence and number sense.
Questions to Ask at Home:
How did you solve it?
How do you know it is correct?
Is there another way you could solve it?
If someone didn’t know the answer to ___, how would you tell them to figure it out?
What strategy can you use to find that fact?
How is ___ like ___ (e.g. how is 2x7 like 4x7?)? How are they different?