Garnet Valley School District is committed to a curriculum design process that maximizes effective instructional practices by giving teachers control over time, place, path, and pace of instruction.
Our current math programming is designed to align with the PA academic standards and eligible content.
Kindergarten - 8th Grade Math Curriculum Core Resource
Garnet Valley utilizes Illustrative Mathematics published by Kendall Hunt as its core curricular resource for K-8 grade level math and 6th grade accelerated math. Our K-8 curriculum follows the Illustrative Mathematics scope and sequence. To explore our math curriculum in more detail, click HERE to visit Garnet Valley’s public curriculum site.
To explore Ed Reports independent evaluation of the Illustrative Mathematics program click HERE.
IM Parent Resources
To access the scope and sequence, family support materials, and student support materials for Illustrative Mathematics, click the button below and then select launch curriculum for the appropriate grade level.